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๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Commands

All of the commands below are prefixed with /. You can chat with the โŸ Oori Ambassador persona in discord if you need further help with commands.


Returns basic information of the bot, including the sensitive content filtering status, current persona, and a bio.


Lists all the personas available for the bot, and allows you to change the persona of the bot.


Clears the chatlog of the bot for a specific channel from our servers.


Returns a link to the documentation of the bot.


Scrape the chat history of a specific channel for the bot to reference.


Toggles the sensitive content filtering of the bot. When on, the bot will not send any messages that contain sensitive content.


Shows the current persona of the bot, and a bio.


Opens the pets menu, giving you options to feed your Oori Pet, manage your inventory of food, and more.


Ask the Oori Ambassador a question, and it will try to answer it to the best of its ability. Always generates responses from โ€œOori Ambassadorโ€ even if the currently set persona is different.